Sunday, August 06, 2006

the WTC movie

I'm not a New Yorker. I'm not a Muslim. I'm not connected to the Pentagon in any way (that I know of). Am I'm not interested in seeing the new WTC movie. What's the point? Seriously, I don't see the pros, but I'm not promoting the cons, either. Nah, I won't say it's explotation by the studios. I think the actors would not want to be a part of it if it was so apparent. I do feel strongly that the towers should be replaced, but I also can see, having worked in a 20-story building, how company employees would be worried about being an everyday target. But they should build them back. By not building them back, does that mean that the original model was structurally and conceptually defective? Didn't Trump have an idea about putting them back, bigger and better? I don't know what the deal is about why they don't give Trump a shot at this. It's as if they're afraid he'll get too much power out of it. Hmmm. There must be more to the story. Back to the movie: I guess it's just too soon. Documentaries about the event? OK by me. But a full-scale fictional account partially based on fact and interpreted with dramatic license? I'm not interested.
(But I write this, I just remembered how much I enjoyed "Titanic" by Cameron. What am I missing here?)

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