Monday, February 13, 2006

Keep Gambling

I don't understand the problem with gambling by professional athletes. To me, it's like smoking weed: There's rules against it, and if you get caught, you get your hand slapped. If you use it so much that it impairs your life/job/whatever, you will pay for it, either directly or indirectly. These millionaires CRAVE competition, it's what keeps them going. Gambling has been going on forever (remember the centurions at the crucifixion?) -- it's entertainment, and these guys have so much money, they need something to do with it. I wonder how many pro teams have regularly scheduled Gamblers Anonymous meetings? Quit wringing your hands like an old woman! If they break the law, they get put down, just like the rest of us. And to all you newspaper columnists that are posting articles against it, I have a question: do you work for a paper that publishes the odds on games? Don't forget that charity begins at home, so if you care so much about this issue, take it up with your employer first...

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