Larry in Liberalville: I have a problem with Arizona's new law about immigrants. I think it's racist and demeaning, and there's no place for it. I don't like the idea of LEOs having the right to pull anyone over just because they match a certain profile. I support the sports teams that are doing their part to protest this, too.
PA: First, let me start by saying I have never been in support of any discrimination, for any reason, and I believe that people should not be held back just because of Race, Color, Creed, National Origin or Sexual Orientation (to name a few), but hold the phone, Larry. Did you take the time to fully look in to the issue that brought AZ to this conclusion? Did you actually read the legislation? Did you see the explanation of Reasonable Suspicion that AZ LEOs must abide by in order to move on this legislation? If not, here it is, and after you read it, let me know if you think it's fair:
"Reasonable suspicion is someone who is approached by an officer of the law because they have committed a traffic violation or are involved in or in the vicinity of a crime. If an officer questions someone (and they always ask for ID when they question a witness, suspect, etc.) and they lack proper ID (drivers license, state ID card, Social Security card, SOMETHING) then they are suspect of being in this country illegally. This isn't just aimed towards latinos. It would involve ANY citizen. In this day and age you have to have ID. Who can function in this world of debit cards without an ID? Who can operate a car without an ID? Who can get a job without an ID? If you are would have ID.
There will be no gestapo raids, no roadblocks, no ratially-motivated shake downs. The officers of this state will go about their regular patrols and now they will have the ability to detain persons suspected of being in this country illegally. They will be suspected of this because they cannot produce ID. If I get pulled over without a license I fully expect to get in some trouble. If I give them my name they will be able to pull up a computer-version of my ID which would verify who I am.
This law will not become active until (at least) this summer. All officers in the State of Arizona will undergo proper training regarding how to carry out this new law. I have every confidence that they will be able to carry out their duties without stepping on too many toes. Did you know a lot of police offiers in this state are BROWN? Did you know that a lot of them SUPPORT this law because they see the crime that occurs within the latino communities...illegal on legal. It isn't just the "whitey" that wants this law supported. A lot of latinos are tired of the violence, crime and "line jumping" that the illegals are participating in." Credit is given to an AZ local group for posting this information.
There you have it, Larry. And I see that AZ has since tweaked the bill to the point that LEOs cannot move forward unless a crime or violation has been committed. Sounds fair to me -- does it to you? What strikes me as funny is the number of people that are quick to support the other side, without having any vested interest in it. Before jumping to conclusions, why don't you talk to the BP agents that patrol the border on a regular basis -- I guarantee you would find out things that would blow your mind and question why something hasn't been done before now, either on the state or (especially) the Federal level. Also, how about talking to people that have lost loved ones because of home invasions (many in broad daylight, and in AZ, the daylight is very bright) -- did you know that Phoenix leads the nation in kidnappings? Why do you think that is? Having lived in Phoenix metro for 22 years, I believe that I can emphasize with the locals that are being inundated with illegal immigration of criminals and other people of suspect backgrounds, and there's not enouogh help to support the good guys. You can't really be taken seriously until you see both sides of the issue, up close and first-hand. I respect all sides, and I am thankful that people are so serious about this issue; all I ask is that you take an equal look at the cause before you spout off about the effect.
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