Wednesday, March 04, 2009

It's the JOBS, stupid

Hey, Mr. President, here's a suggestion on how to get the economy back on track: CREATE MORE JOBS! Gee, what a concept. People aren't buying because they don't know if they'll have a full-time job tomorrow, let alone a part-time job. Many have leveraged themselves to the hilt, and now they are pulling back to stabilize or increase cash flow. We don't want a hand-out, we want to have the ability to earn our keep, to pay our own bills, to participate in the success of the country by paying our FAIR SHARE of taxes. We are not into subsidizing Joe Deadbeat because he couldn't budget his finances. Try sharing this concept with Main Street -- I have and they all say the same thing. More jobs equals more payroll taxes, which means more help to local municipalities. Most of us want to contribute to society, and not many want to be on the dole. Create incentives to hire more employees. Create joint ventures with States to get the infrastructure repaired asap. Don't let the federal government take on all the responsibility -- let corporations contribute by way of incenting new hiring policies in exchange for tax credits on contributions to their local communities and charities. Provide attractive awards to scholars of universities that promote goodwill or work in conjunction with other organizations to make the world a better place (very general statement, I agree, but it can be fine-tuned, you get the idea). Finally, leave Wall Street alone. It can correct itself. The bad will be singled out and eliminated by their own kind. Enforce the existing regulations more stringently, otherwise stay away and it will come around, it always has before. Stop getting on the air every other day with the gloom and doom talk -- you are not solving anything with that negative nay-bob crap. Bottom Line: don't openly advocate subsidizing things -- instead, promote private corporations and municipalities with joint ventures, all the while providing a safety net (for emergencies only), and sit back to watch it evolve into a brighter, shinier future...think about it.

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