To: Stock Market
From: Johnny Lunchpail
Re: Bear market
OK. You made your point. We took you for granted and you got us back in spades. No one is laughing anymore. Even the talking heads on CNBC are looking dazed. How many times do I need to see Cramer throw up his hands? No one can explain it now, other than it's just pure correction against pure greed. Lots of folks are seeing their savings wiped out, and every time they try to double down via dollar cost averaging, they get wiped out even worse. Citi is under $5/share -- what is UP with that? They're yelling at each other on Fast Money and on Hardball. It's like there's nowhere to turn. Everyone is looking for the magic door out of this hell hole. Buy bonds? Can't afford to live off of that ROI. Buy more stocks? There's no value there anymore, cuz there's no bottom. Christmas is coming and everyone's freaking out because they no longer have any money to buy their honey expensive jewelry or Junior the GI Joe with the Kung Fu Grip. As Scotty would say, "we're losing power in the engines and I don't know why".
In a strange way, this is creating an artificial cleansing, like we need to be shaken so hard to get us back to reality of what's really important.
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