Monday, February 11, 2008

Toute Le Monde, 2/11/08

1. Hillary making a major staff change: Pundits reading the tea leaves are painting this as a bad sign for the Clinton campaign. The O is coming on strong, and his message is becoming infectuous. I think they should join forces and run together on one ticket, but I don't see how one of them will step aside and take the Veep position. As a long-time registered 'publican (yet no stranger to independent and non-partisan voting), even I can see that if Clinton is the nominee, the Dems will lose because the 'publican war machine is salivating and ready to pounce; the opposite is true if The O runs against The Old Man.
2. The Huckster is still hanging on: Can't figure out why Huckabee wants to stay in the race, but I admire his tenacity. And I'm always on the side of Question Authority, yet he's got to be very careful not to step on graves while marching through the cemetery. The Mitt has done the honorable thing and has fallen on his sword -- plus I'm sure his FP has been yelling at him to stop the madness or the Mitt Family will be eating StarKist instead of sushimi for generations to come, and we can't have that. I'd like to see Mitt take the Veep spot with The Old Man, it makes sense from a Wall Street position (even though it's not fiscally responsible to blow millions on a losing campaign). Just what is the Huckster hanging on for?
3. Bill Maher: bitch bitch bitch! But where's the solution? Bill, your constant condescending comments of the President is getting old and disrespectful, but I still support your show because you are the only one that's willing to put both sides on the air to have a somewhat intelligent discussion. Your audience, however, needs a lobotomy, and it makes your show more circus and less likely to be taken seriously, which is a shame. Your anti-Bush guests bring nothing to the table except weak complaints and no solutions, and whenever your conservative guests produce great talking points, you can't come back with anything except nervous jokes or weak counters. Gee, I wonder why you don't put on Joe Scarborough or Dennis Miller on your show anymore? Cuz you can't hang with them, that's why!
4. Bob Knight, man or myth? I'm glad he walked away. Why force someone to do something they don't want to do? Who wants that around their program? But please, Coach Knight, please don't come back unless it's to Indiana. You both deserve each other. Meanwhile, I think your son is set up for failure and won't last long, but hey, at least his resume will include a head coaching position (which TT owed you for your help in putting them back on the map).
5. Grammys: oh, Kanye, you got bitch-slapped, and by Vince Gill of all people? Even Usher was smaking on you! Why? Because your bitching is stupid and narcissistic -- who in music hasn't suffered to get their music on air? That's part of being an artist -- or are you only in it for the money? You need to decide what's more important to you -- your talent or your materialism. What did your mother die for? 'bout Le Winehouse! She looked incredibly lucid and sober, and I was glad to see it. She's different and compelling, and there's nothing wrong with that. Question is, will this make her party like it's 1999, or will this snap her out of it? Hate to say it, but I'm not taking her out of the Death Pool Top Five List just yet...and what about the show in general? I thought it sucked out loud. MTV, again you have been given a huge gift -- you can make your show harder, faster, stronger, better, but as usual, you won't -- you'll do something you think is cutting edge but will miss by a mile. Is there no one out there that can produce a music awards show that's fun and entertaining to watch, with appropriate music guests playing relevant (read: not last year's) songs?
6. Microsquash rejected by Yahoo: Hmm, I wonder if Google had anything to do with this? Let's see a hostle takeover!

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