Thursday, November 17, 2005

Point / Counterpoint Redux

Mr. Hyde: Iraq official defends 'torture' facility!! we were told we had to attack Iraq due to WMDs.Then it was cause Osama and Saddam were buddies.Then it was because Saddam tortured his people.Now we and the new Iraq government torture the Iraqis.Bush and Cheney are corrupt and evil to the core! This game is over.

Dr. Jekyll: I opened my email and a Bill Maher monologue erupted! You seem to be conveniently forgetting that those in power, both Dems and GOP, shared the same intel reports and most voted in favor of the war. Sounds like a Kerry-ism: first I voted for it, then I voted against it. Too bad the Clintonites were so damn gung-ho with passing policy that stopped the FBI from sharing intel info with the CIA and the Pentagon. It's well documented that we had sufficient intel on Atta and others well before 9/11 but it was never shared cuz it wasn't permitted. Bush/Cheney are no worse than ANY other leader tandem that has been directly involved in foreign conflict, and that includes any improprieties regarding human rights and/or torture. It's also too bad that we never get the same run in the press with good stories about socio-economic advances within the Iraqi people. Sure, we have a LONG way to go (no one is denying that), and the cost will be significant, but in the long run, it will prove to be positive. And now there's news that Bob Woodward knew of Valerie Plame's identity long before Scooter Libby allegedly leaked it to Novak. What a surprise...not!

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