I finally was able to see the movie "Bobby" the other day, via cable, and it reminded me of several things, all of them sad but true. I've always considered myself a democratic conservative, and although I support more Republican-esque policies in general, I hope I never forget the importance of the principles that drive the Democratic Party ideals.
1968 was an important year for me because it presented me with the defining moments that created my intense love of all things within political science. RFK and MLK were assassinated 40 years ago, and the world has never been the same since then. Oh, I'm not saying these two events were the only things to tilt the globe, but I do believe this was the culmination of how our modern-day political correctness was derived.
I realize that no one is perfect, and my more stanch 'publican friends would surely disagree wtih me, but I remember how RFK gave so many people so much hope for a better world, and it was all gone in an instant. It's been 40 years, and I have yet to see that hope come back to us. It was like a light suddenly went out and we've been lost in the dark since then. We've learned to survive and adapt, but it's not the same as when hope sprung from everywhere. We are such an advanced nation in so many ways that I don't understand why we cannot do a better job with humanity, and maybe this is supposed to be like the 40 years in the wilderness that we all must bear.
I still believe there is a reason for everything, and I hope to someday find out the answers to all the questions I have, but I also hope that the world (and especially my children and their children) will see those days come back again. Some say this year is somewhat similar to 1968 with the advent of Senator Obama -- although I'm not quite yet convinced, I will remain optimistic and see what happens.