Imus: What he said was stupid, especially on public radio/tv. But let's be honest. This is what happens when (1) old rich people get too comfortable in their daily lives and forget the everyday trials and tribulations of the poor and/or less fortunate, and (2) our daily lexicon is weakened from the constant bombardment of trivial and useless jargon, to the point of exhaustion, until someone decides to call "foul" and demands an apology or, even better, some one's head on a platter.
Sharpton: What a pompous, good for nothing hypocrite. I can't believe he has control of the African American voice of reason. Will anyone have the balls to stand up to this charlatan? All of NY knows what a fraud he is, and that's why he left that state, he has no support. And how dare he come down here, to NC, to publicly protest the THEN ALLEGED, NOW FALSE rape charge against the Duke lacrosse players. Imus is right to ask When will Sharpton apologize to the Duke players? This is bullshit at its finest. I'm sick and tired of never seeing anyone stand up within their own ranks to protest the crap going one within their own people, instead they want to focus on what other races are doing (are you paying attention, American Muslim leaders?). Where is the justice?
Imus was past his prime. But if he's smart, he can turn this around by making it a personal vendetta to expose Sharpton and Jesse Jackson and Anne Coulter and Rosanne Barr and Bill Maher for what they are: boneheads.
Life isn't' always fair, but it never fails that what comes around, goes around. 'nuff said...